We did it. Fourteen shows in sixteen days. Two sets a night. Many, many road miles. One hotel room. Many bad movies….and other things. But we did it. We are toast. Luckily we finished this off in an easy little town like Tarrytown and had the benefit of playing in an old spooky venue like the Music Hall. Most importantly we had a sold out house full of energy. Margo, heroically, found enough of her voice to pull the whole thing off. I have no idea how we played…I'll leave that to be decided by those in the audience, at this point we are too disassociated with our selves to be any gauge. I think it went well…but I have no idea.
This has been a very fun and successful little tour. One of the best attended in a long time. None of it would have been possible without our crew, Jared and John. As exhausting as this was for us, it was doubly so for them, but you would never know it. They go above and beyond everyday and still have enough left over to keep us entertained. They rock.
We are home tomorrow (Jeff's Birthday), re-enter our real lives, carefully, and then, around mid-April, just when things are settling down and getting back to normal, we'll be out the door again and heading West. Enjoy the coming of Spring (it is coming, right?).