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Thanks for coming to the party! Wilderness pre-orders now available!
Thank you all for coming to the listening party! We’re glad you got home safely and the place didn’t even get trashed! As a parting gift, we’ve started pre-orders of The Wilderness. All items will be shipped on March 27th. Oh … and if you’re out and about town the next few weeks, we may […]
The Wilderness listening party
We will start streaming The Wilderness at noon (EST) today. The pre-order for the album will start at noon as well. Sorry for the delay….we will keep the streaming album up for an extra day. Come on back in another hour….see you then.

The Wilderness (volume 4) – Demons
Take a bit of Nebraska; a bit of Badlands; sprinkle in a couple of characters from The Caution Horses. Mix it together with my orange Resolectric and whisk in a fading Fall evening by Lake Ontario. And then pour it all into the mold formed by the attempted hard-wiring of a Catholic upbringing…and, voila…..Demons: I […]

The Wilderness (volume 4) – We Are The Selfish Ones
When I write I need seclusion: somewhere to sit and stare and think and mutter to myself and plink away on my guitar. I often rely on the kindness of strangers (or family and friends) and borrow their unused rural retreats, where I set up for a week at a time and get lost in […]
Win Tickets to an upcoming show
We have started a contest on Facebook in which you can win two tickets to an upcoming show of your choice by simply entering your email. You need to be a Facebook member in order to enter. Just go to the Cowboy Junkies page on Facebook and click on the “Nomad Tour 2012 Tour” tab […]

The Wilderness (volume 4) – Unanswered Letter
Last Spring a long time friend of the band, John Bottomley, a fellow musician, died unexpectedly (as they euphemistically say in the obituaries these days). John had been living on Vancouver Island for many years. He had fallen in love with the mountains, the rivers and the trees, but, I guess, had fallen out of […]

The Wilderness (volume 4) – Introduction
I began work on many of the songs that found their way onto The Wilderness in late 2007/ early 2008, (months before my family and I took off for China, the trip that would inspire Renmin Park, the album that would kick off The Nomad Series). Some friends of mine had graciously given me the […]
Sitting Sadly By Your Side
It’s nice to sell what one creates and to get some lucre for ones efforts, but when it comes right down to it the most satisfying reward is when someone tells you that your work inspired their work.We got the following email the other day…take a look, its well worth the 4 minutes…. Cowboy Junkies, […]
End of the world sale
As we creep towards 2012 and the end of the world, we figured that it is only fitting that we have a big “blow out” sale in the Junk Store. So we’ve discounted everything in the store by 20%. The sale will last until the world ends or January 15th (whichever comes first). I hope […]
Happy Festivus…Angels In The Wilderness
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season. Here is the quasi-title track from the upcoming Volume 4 (The Wilderness)…our holiday gift to all of you for taking the time and making the effort to listen to what we create. This song owes a huge debt to the Marilynne Robinson novel “Gilead” (as […]