Latest News
$2.99 sale extended to Friday
We have extended the sale period for the $2.99 download of our new album Sing In My Meadow until Friday Oct 28th. But make sure that you check out the rest of the package deals as well. Lots of good reviews for the album are coming in, we’ll post a few soon.
Contest Winners
All of the winners emails have been drawn and we have sent out an email letting them know that they are the champions…or something like that. If you haven’t received an email then you haven’t won…but even if you’re a loser, you’re still a winner in our books….or something like that. We’ve asked permission to […]
Sing In My Meadow available for $2.99
In case you missed it in the fine print… can download our new album, Sing In My Meadow, for $2.99 until this coming Tuesday. Also, we’ll be posting the contest winners tomorrow, so check back here.
Sing In My Meadow available now!!
Welcome to Sing In My Meadow day! The new album is available today through our site and at a selective few independent record stores throughout North America (it will be available in the UK/Europe next week). It will also be available digitally, over the coming weeks, at all of the big internet digital download stores. […]
My Little Basquiat – free download
Only six more sleeps until the release of Sing In My Meadow (Volume 3), but in the meantime you can download a free song off of the Bonus EP that we will be releasing along with the album. The Bonus EP is made up of five live recordings that we made during the Paths Taken […]
Toronto show at Hugh’s Room
In case you didn’t know, we will be having a Latent Recordings night at Hugh’s Room, in Toronto, on October 29th. On the bill will be Cootes Leland, Ivy Mairi and Finlayson/Maize (of Skydiggers fame) as well as us. Everyone will perform a short acoustic set followed by Cowboy Junkies. We will be performing with […]
Sing in My Meadow free download and contest
We have a wee contest going… submitting your email address you’ll get a free download of the title track off of “Sing in My Meadow” (due for release on Oct 18th) and you’ll also be eligible for a whole bunch of groovy prizes. Click the “Free Download and Contest” box on the right side of […]

Smackdown in Toronto
WWE’s Smackdown came to the ACC in Toronto last night and me and Margo, my two youngest, and Margo’s son Ed, were all in attendance. It was a great night of scantily clad babes, greased up beefcake, too loud music, low and high drama, overpriced merch, pyro and more pyro and lots of great athleticism. […]
Ivy Mairi – No Talker
About five years ago I was doing some recording with a friend of mine when she happened to mention a young woman that she had come across at a few open mic nights at a café that she frequented. She had gotten to know this young singer and was really impressed with her song writing […]
911 Redux
In September 2001 we were on tour in Florida. On the 9th we played the Carefree Theater in West Palm Beach, we talked after the show with JP and a few others and then headed off to Tampa for a day off and then a show scheduled for the following night, September 11th. Needless to […]