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Tour Diary – (July 18 – 20, 2010)
Day 1: Camden, NJ – A very long overnight drive from Toronto to get us here. Why here? A three day festival just across the river from Philadelphia, put on by WXPN (one of the better music stations left standing). It was as hot as a two dollar whore on the 4th of July. I […]
Knoxville in-store performance
If you are milling about Knoxville this Thursday (July 22), and looking for something to do, come and join me, Margo and Jeff at The Disc Exchange. We’ll be playing a few songs starting at 1pm and hanging around. Come and have a listen and say hello. The performance will also be simulcast on WFIV […]
NPR- All Songs Considered
NPR to the rescue again. They ran a nice piece today on the program All Songs Considered and have a posted a piece on their blog. Please check it out if you have the time. Blog Post: The Show:
Cookie Crumbs Volume 6
Here is Cookie Bob’s latest installment. It’s his first ever recording of the band. If you bought a Clubhouse Subscription you can download it for free by entering The Clubhouse section of the site. If you don’t have a Clubhouse subscription…why not?..there is a lot more music to come over the next eighteen months. Enjoy […]
performance on KXT in Dallas
Here is a link to a short performance that Margo and I did on KXT in Dallas a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy.
Tour Diary – Denver, CO (June 25, 2010)
(Jason Lent has forsaken the island paradise of Hawaii to follow us around for a few months. I have happily placed the tour diary in his capable hands. It should bring a new perspective to our ramblings.) “…the song which defines that time is ‘200 More Miles’. It is about the wanderlust that infected us […]

Tour Diary – Salt Lake City, UT (June 24, 2010)
Jason looked at the map and decided that maybe he should miss the 15 hour drive to Salt Lake City. So I am reclaiming the Tour Diary for Salt Lake City. Jason will return for the end of the road in Denver. We started coming here twenty years ago. At that time it was pretty […]

Tour Diary – Phoenix, AZ (June 22, 2010)
(Jason Lent has forsaken the island paradise of Hawaii to follow us around for a few months. I have happily placed the tour diary in his capable hands. It should bring a new perspective to our ramblings.) More beautiful scenery escorted me to the New Mexico border and then I headed straight for Flagstaff, which […]
We’ve just confirmed seven shows in Europe for November. It’ll be a quick trip, but we’re excited to get back to Scotland, England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Belgium. Check the Tour Dates page for more details.

Tour Diary – Albuquerque, NM (June 20, 2010)
(Jason Lent has forsaken the island paradise of Hawaii to follow us around for a few months. I have happily placed the tour diary in his capable hands. It should bring a new perspective to our ramblings.) I woke up in the backseat of the car in a truck stop somewhere in west Texas. I […]