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Beijing – June 5, 2011 (Day 5)
Gig day….finally. It’s been a great few days but we are ultimately here to play some music and we are all itching for the opportunity. This show has been balancing on a cliff edge for weeks, teetering and threatening to topple off into nowhere with the government and its various agencies giving it little not-so-innocent […]

Beijing – June 4, 2011 (Day 4)
Mr Liu showed up this morning (those of you not familiar with Mr Liu should check out the Renmin Park blog). He is a remarkable man and it was a great pleasure to see him again. He is eighty four years old and a twelve hour train trip from Shanghai didn’t even faze him, he […]
Beijing – June 3, 2011 (Day 3)
I guess our little get together yesterday with the Performing Arts Troupe was a success because this morning we were invited to drop by the Canadian Ambassador’s residence for lunch: quite an honour and the sort of invitation that one doesn’t pass up. So off we all went to the Canadian Embassy compound, which also […]

Beijing – June 2, 2011 (Day 2)
Oh man…what a day…it’s days like today that are the reason that I love being in China. Events just start to roll in at you, wave upon wave upon ever intensifying wave and soon you realize that if you try and fight it you’ll drown, so you just have to relax and let the current […]
Beijing – June 1, 2011 (Day 1)
I still find it kind of magical that you can walk out of your front door in the morning and half a day later find yourself checking in to a hotel on the other side of the earth. Yeah it’s a lot of effort, and it does weird things to your body and it aint […]
No Sleep Till……..Beijing?
We’ve been working on this gig for a few months and I don’t think that any of us thought that it would actually happen. But tomorrow we head off to Beijing for a few days of sightseeing ending with a gig on June 5th as part of The Kama Love Festival, which takes place in […]
Sing In My Meadow, volume 3 – Late Night Radio
When we get back from China (if we get back from China)…I plan to get to work mixing this damn thing and then get it in your hands for those Summer road trips that you all have planned….although with the price of gas these days, one can’t just jump in the car and take off […]
Happy Birthday Bob
I spent the summer of 1976 in the extremely remote town of Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories. I was sixteen years old. My job was to fuel the small prop-planes that serviced the tiny communities, unreachable by land, which dotted the banks of the Mackenzie River. It was a true frontier town. I was alone, there […]
Rolling Stones tribute – Paint It Black
We were approached over a year ago by our good friend Jim Sampas who was putting together an alt-country tribute to the Rolling Stones. It sounded like a fun project to get involved with, so we went in to our studio and worked up a version of Moonlight Mile and No Expectations. We gave Moonlight […]
Cookie Crumbs – volume 8
Cookie Bob’s latest Cookie Crumbs is now available. Volume 8 is mostly from our Great Barrington gig in 2010. I remember that day clearly. It was a beautiful day which we spent leisurely exploring the streets and shops of Great Barrington, which is a beautiful little town in the South West corner of Massachusetts. Nice […]