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Tour Diary – San Francisco, CA (June 19, 2014)
Jason Lent will be following us and the World Cup over the next 10 days. We'll be mixing things up by posting his diary as well as Michael's diary (whenever he can pull himself away from watching futbol). by Jason Lent With a day off, we slowly made our way up to the city by the bay. […]

Tour Diary – Solana Beach and LA (June 14 – 17, 2014)
We spent the past three days of sand, sun and fun on Highway 101….Solana Beach bums. Solana Beach is a little community just up the beach from San Diego. As one spends more time down here one begins to see the attraction…it's definitely the weather, its perfect. Feeling a little chilly?…step in to the sunlight. […]

Tour Diary – Los Angeles, CA (June 17, 2014)
Jason Lent will be following us and the World Cup over the next 10 days. We'll be mixing things up by posting his diary as well as Michael's diary (whenever he can pull himself away from watching futbol). by Jason Lent As Joseph Conrad wrote, we penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. Such is […]

Tour Diary – San Diego, CA (June 16, 2014)
Jason Lent will be following us and the World Cup over the next 10 days. We'll be mixing things up by posting his diary as well as Michael's diary (whenever he can pull himself away from watching futbol). by Jason Lent The alarm went off at 4:30am in Las Vegas and I was headed to the airport for a 7am flight […]

Tour Diary – Agoura Hills and San Juan Capistrano, CA (June 12 & 13, 2014)
#CJCaliTour Agoura Hills, CA I'm not sure what it is about Southern California, but I anticipate this part of any tour itinerary more than most. I think its because I've yet to figure out what Southern California is…a paradise by the sea or a glimpse in to the decline? Every time I'm here I […]

Tour Diary – San Juan Capistrano (June 13, 2014)
Jason Lent will be following us and the World Cup over the next 10 days. We'll be mixing things up by posting his diary as well as Michael's diary (whenever he can pull himself away from watching futbol). by Jason Lent A beautiful morning was spent near the pier in Huntington Beach watching the waves roll into […]

Tour Diary – Agoura Hills, CA (June 12, 2014)
Jason Lent will be following us and the World Cup over the next 10 days. We'll be mixing things up by posting his diary as well as Michael's diary (whenever he can pull himself away from watching futbol). by Jason Lent #CJCaliTour It's a familiar feeling after all these years. Waking up at 4am to catch a flight, […]
Where were you when The Kennedy Suite was staged? – Part VII
Over the next few weeks we'll present a series of 14 short videos inspired by the TKS stage show and album of songs composed by Scott Garbe and produced by Mike Timmins and Cowboy Junkies. VIDEO: If you were there in the room you'll recall this extraordinary performance by Cowboy Junkies — replete with haunting […]
Where were you when The Kennedy Suite was staged? – part V
Another excerpt for The Kennedy Suite: Charged with protecting the President, a Dallas police officer reflects on the tragedies that he has recently experienced as he rides directly beside Jackie Kennedy in the Presidential motorcade. Includes Reid Jamieson's stage performance on 22/11/13 at Toronto's Elgin Winter Garden Theatre. Following is "26 Seconds", an audio […]
Where were you when The Kennedy Suite was staged? – part VI
The Kennedy Suite continues to unfold. Check out LeE HARVeY OsMOND's performance of "Parkland" featuring the men from Cowboy Junkies.